
I am a nature writer, passionate about the natural world and about communicating that passion through my writing.

I worked in universities for more than 30 years as a biomedical scientist but eventually I decided I wanted a different life.  I took early retirement and we moved to the West Country.   I had written extensively about my academic research on the mechanisms of drug action including a book “Brain Biochemistry and Brain Disorders” published by OUP in 1992.  Since I retired, writing about nature has become my principal occupation inspired by time I spend out and about looking at the natural world and especially the insects around us.  My nature writing is always informed by my scientific background and many of my articles are also influenced by walks my wife and I have enjoyed along the Devon and Dorset coasts.

My writing has appeared in many magazines and web sites.  Details can be found on the left of this page.  Also have a look at my blog:  https://philipstrange.wordpress.com/

I can be contacted on p.g.strange[at]reading.ac.uk